My "News" feature is back! Here's the latest:
I have two upcoming conferences where I will be speaking. First is in November 11-13 in Cairo about my work on the Theban Mapping Project website. The second is November 15-18 at the ASOR conference in Chicago about my archaeogaming work. See the Events page for further details.
I have launched at last my Mesopotamian Object Stories series on my YouTube channel, starting with a video on Sumerian votive statues. Check out the Object Stories page for more information.
News since I last posted an update: After adjunct teaching for a year and a half post graduating with my PhD, I accepted a 2-year fellowship with the American Research Center in Egypt and I've therefore moved to Cairo to work on two projects. One project is my independent research on the spread of Atenism throughout Egypt and Sudan, summarily restructuring my dissertation into a book. The other project is as a content creator and web manager for the Theban Mapping Project website (click here to see the website) where I am building a database on the Temples of the West Bank (of Luxor) which I am to launch in December 2024. To put it mildly, it's a lot of work that I'm hoping to accomplish with some semblance of success.
I have several publications coming out soon, and you can see that list in the About page. Not all will be open access, and others have a contract that they can't be made open access until after a short period of embargo, so not all of them will be accessible on my page. I've also begun work on a very important and secret monograph which I think will be a major contribution to Egyptology. I'm very excited about it!
Lastly and most importantly, I am fostering a Turkish angora cat who had gotten hit by a car. I named him Mewatalli (a catified version of Muwatalli, the Hittite king who almost defeated Ramesses II at Kadesh).